Saturday 30 October 2010

Goostrey Arts Fringe appeared on Goostrey Station 02-20 October 2010

The Goostrey Rail Platform installation
A part of my Goostrey Arts Fringe, it was arranged via Mr Nik Matuszczak of Crewe to Manchester Community Rail Partnership,with the agreement of Northern Rail.

Around 100 A4 sheets were placed on each side of the track for more than 2 weeks. Together, they comprised around 160 poem-stories and song-stories, based on trains, history, local and worldwide and opinion pieces. Fastened to the fences, trees, and the buildings, they stayed put remarkably well, as an entertainment resource for local people and travelling passengers, who seemed to enjoy reading the stories - and who made very positive comments.

This was a part of my Goostrey Arts Fringe, designed to run at the same time as the very lively and successful  Goosfest.

Goostrey Community Primary School
Other parts of the Fringe were installations all around the outside classrooms and playgrounds of both the Junior and the Nursery and Infant Schools, complementing various parts of the school curriculum, but in particular, the extensive and very exciting studies which the Junior School has made of South America.

The Trading Post
With permission of the owner, a small installation was mounted inside the Trading Post, in Goostrey. This comprised poem-stories to fit with the ethos of the store.

Main Road
There was also an extensive display of poetry and pictures of The Amazon (see Amazon poem-story below) which was set up in the heart of the village on a fence and hedgeline by kind permission of two Goostrey Residents. 

Showing the end wall of the - closed - Station Booking Office
In window embrasures of Booking Hall

In window embrasures of Booking Hall

In window embrasures of Booking Hall

On fence at Manchester-Crewe side of the line
Inside the Waiting Room at Manchester Crewe side of the line
Inside the new waiting area Crewe-Manchester side of the line


where Wai-wai warriors wear
beads and feathers in their hair
hanging in a single pig-tail
down their arching back

Pudding-bowl Xavantes serve the mass
Escaping basilisks run like little men
upright in their fleeing to the water
Giant anacondas loop

Flower-kissers flying backwards
sip the nectar from a fringe of petal
Fish swim high along the forest floor
when rainy season floods about
Out of time the condors fly forever

Steamers ply along the river
buoyant long beyond the rubber boom
Where the Negro meets the Amazon
dolphins play in clear tea water
Rafts of cattle float above the ox-bow
until the land comes flooding back
driving piraruca fish away

Vulture kings inspect
beyond their orange feature
Macaws hang down a line liana
like bright-washed jewels
screeching blue and red and green
Fiery orange cock-of-the-rock patrol
helmeted as Roman soldiers
Toucans bill and couple in the canopy

Nomadic hunters sporting lip-discs
slash and scar their naked bodies into beauty

Kamayura artists decorate with paste
crushed from urucu seed and kneaded
bodies needing vivid patterns set in red

Jivaro still hide shrunken heads of enemies
to keep possession power
Kayapo brandish war cudgels
wooden like their spears dancing
to claim the help of forest spirits

Orchid flowers in waxy languor
lavender and mottled red
with red and yellow throats
linger on a line of stem
groups of brightness here and there
high above the forest floor

Heliconias beaked like parrots or macaws
dangle long their redness and their yellow

Sloths hang beneath a branch
considering slowly if moving is an option

On the Orinoco shanty towns
stilt above the water
sheltering behind canoes
painted startling forest colours

Mud skippers hop around the mangroves
where scarlet ibis gather flapping into air
Silent ghostly giant egret wait for fish

Crocodiles smile smiles of smugness
Manatees float gentle in the water
A goldminer taller than his mule rides into El Callao
gold hung across the saddle
Butterflies drink liquid from the eyes
of yellow spotted side neck turtles
Black piranha dagger teeth at vegetation
Vampire bats poised pig-nosed above
wounds they open
fan gentle wings in frenzy

White Uakari monkeys
apoplectic in the gloom
rest on branches in the shade
like Englishmen in clubs  snoozing
Naked in the river shallows children play
cooling where the water rushes
Jaguar women  wearing whisker-spines
stare beneath black fringes
at human meat
Mayoruna people used to eat

A shaman calls the spirits
to drive the sickness out
as women  bunching herbs near breathing
practice what the shaman claims
Swarming butterflies  twin petals fly
flocking in to fruit  Armadillos work
burrowing  and floating in the water

Where once a wilderness
brought only life
and death to generations of the tribes
where feathers were the wealth
which people took
values forsaken
in a headlong rush to promise
progress into silent forest
Slash and clear to take the best
leaving all the rest as debris

Butterflies and hyacinth macaws
trees to choose the best canoe from
strangler figs without a palm to climb
Herbs and tortoises all die
Cultures vanish into Coca-cola
Anacondas wither in the sun
Arrow-poison frogs are lost
and tiny monkeys taught to die
to leave the human breast alone

For this the priest returns in white
dons his red and spreads his Master's wing
The banker brings his box to fill
The woodsman brings his saw
The doctor brings The Western Way
The Amazon brings its self
25July 1996

Ghost Train Stockport-Chester-Stockport
Index Page - TracksnTrains

CV & Review & Comment

by Charlotte Peters Rock - - 0156 572 2738 - 

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