Saturday 30 October 2010

Ghost Train - Stockport-Chester-Stockport

On 27 October 2010, The Ghost Train ran from Stockport to Chester and back. Ghost stories were told all the way, by Jan (of Ghost Tours) with ghost poem stories and story songs by me.  There was wonderful face painting - by Lily of Chester, for the children and goodie bags - and all for the standard rail fare.

In Chester, a short Ghost Tour. by Jan and Tom, walked us round the city of shadows and ghosts

All the way back to Stockport  I related and sang poem-stories and story-songs about ghosts - even to some startled people who had not realised they were catching the Ghost Train. Cat stories were added by Judie Collins and the guard.

The event was organised with Northern Rail by

Charlotte telling ghost stories

A small selection of Ghost stories follows:
(It should be made clear that these short pieces are not written to be 'read', but to be performed, with due atmospheric menace)
Peggy's Shade

Along the Rows moves Peggy's shade
In ankle boots and cloak and gown
A lacy bonnet holds her hair
These last three hundred years its grown
From copper brown to streaming white
From rich to sparse her hair has flown

Collecting heartache with her years
She drifts and moans - an ancient crone
For where her 'darling' once caroused
She yet caught sight - or she was shown
That he had mistresses around
She took his gun and shot him down

In Gallowgate she swung in air
But as she swung - her hair of brown
Turned white and sparse - and on her face
Her laughing face - she wore a frown
Since then she searches round the town
For him she loved - who let her down

Her loss the greater - she agrees
Because she shot her 'hand-me-down'
So nevermore can she move on
Nor cease her grief nor once atone
But must in agony remain
Upon the street where she alone
Must pay the price for death she made
Must frighten us - must moan and groan

The 'heap'

Shadowed by the Roman Wall
The 'heap' flowed slowly along
Muttering gutteral sounds drifting

Above - in misty dusk - the child
Walking nervously behind his dog
Peered forward and - anxiously

The dog - a wire haired terrier mutt
Sensing anxiety and something

Growled low - his hackles raised
Feeling the threat
He stopped moving

The child
Frightened of

His hand
On the dog's collar

Whirling away

The dog
Snapped ferociously
Into air

The air cleared
Dog and child
Moved on

Behind them
Low whining ululated
The 'heap' drifting sadly back

Below the wall
In deeper shadow
Gutteral again - Rising and falling

For the next

Baby Ghoul - Blue

There once was a baby ghoul - Blue
Who said: "I've a haunting for you"
So he threw down his bones
Practiced groaning and moans
And then vanished - with no more ado

Head hunters

They found a little carving worn by time
A copy of a long gone warrior=s head
A trophy-token carried by a Celt
The spirit of an enemy now dead

The Celt believed each human attribute
Of enemies  could make the victor strong
So chopping off and carrying the head
Protected him from foes he walked among

But heavy heads are ghoulish in the home
They rot and smell and make the children ill
Attracting rats and boars to forage in
A carving was reminder of a kill

Made head-sized or the size of human thumbs
Set high on posts or mantels in his den
Or warding evil spirits on a belt
The hunted heads of Britain stared again

The Beast

The beast - he said - was striped
And really bigger than you'd think
Its teeth - he said - were sharp
Its claws were honed

It sat - he said - all day
Just trying to work out
If it was live or not
And couldn't tell

It sometimes filtered through
Perched high upon a branch
It worked out what to do
And watched what they did too

It thought it wouldn't stay
It bared two rows of teeth
And as it smiled away
Its colour faded slow

Its elbows and its knees
Were followed by its tail
Its face and ears were next
Until - with just a smile
It vanished
Goostrey Arts Fringe on Goostrey Station
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